The Teaching Bank is an online resource center. It includes writing problems and exercises, syllabi, grading rubrics, teaching ideas, and other materials. Access to the Teaching Bank is professional teachers of legal writing.
LWI has nearly 3,000 members. Members represent all ABA-accredited law schools in the United States as well as law schools in other countries. LWI members also come from undergraduate schools and universities, the practicing bar and the judiciary, and independent research-and-consulting organizations. Anyone who is interested in legal writing or the teaching of legal writing may join LWI.
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Teaching Bank MembershipLWI is sponsoring a new scholarship workshop, modeled after workshops held in other disciplines. Each Peer Scholarship Exchange (“PSX”) will bring together a small group of professors who seek to publish in the same or adjacent sub-areas. Legal writing scholarship is wonderfully diverse, and we hope to connect scholars engaged in similar work within our eclectic field.
The workshop will bring together a small group of four to five professors, each with a substantial work-in-progress in a selected domain. Each professor will be required to submit a full article draft for circulation to other participants. All exchange participants will be required to read and provide feedback on other scholars’ work. The workshop will last three days, with the first day for travel and an opening dinner, and a second day of working groups with at least an hour to discuss each article. On the third day, scholars will gather for a closing breakfast before traveling home.
The first PSX will take place in December of 2020, and we are now seeking specific proposals. Are there scholars in your area you’d like to work with? Propose a PSX on the subject! The topic could be anything: legal writing scholarship related to social justice, legal authority, rhetoric, narrative, critical theory, transactional law, or based on empirical methods. We’re excited to hear your ideas about topics we haven’t yet thought of.
LWI will pay for participants’ accommodations and much of the food. If you are interested in hosting this year’s PSX, you might ask your dean for some additional funding—perhaps to sponsor the opening dinner—but that is not required. Participants will be responsible for their own travel costs.
Submit your proposal to by the end of the day on March 16, 2020. In your application, please provide a short statement addressing:
You do not need to identify specific participants.
If your proposal is selected, we’ll set up an application process for participants, aiming to make decisions on participants by May 30, so that scholars have plenty of time to produce a draft.We’re looking forward to hearing your ideas!
Selection Committee Chairs
Amy Griffin,, and Danielle Tully,