The Teaching Bank is an online resource center. It includes writing problems and exercises,
syllabi, grading rubrics, teaching ideas, and other materials. Access to the Teaching
Bank is professional teachers of legal writing.
LWI has nearly 3,000 members. Members represent all ABA-accredited law schools in the United States as well as law schools in other countries. LWI members also come from undergraduate schools and universities, the practicing bar and the judiciary, and independent research-and-consulting organizations. Anyone who is interested in legal writing or the teaching of legal writing may join LWI.
LWI Lives is a regular electronic publication of the LWI Lives Committee, which explores and communicates the emerging identity of LWI and its members. We have in common the commitment to being the best legal writing professors that we can be. But we are multi-dimensional people with different strengths, interests, curiosities, and gifts. By profiling individuals in our community, we hope to expand and develop our understanding of who we are and what we aspire to be.
The LWI Lives Committee is organized into three teams, and each team is responsible for selecting, proposing, and writing the three profiles in each issue. To ensure a diverse newsletter, teams propose individual names to the Co-Chairs, and the Co-Chairs review the suggestions to ensure a wide range of coverage over time.
If you have someone in mind that we should profile in a future newsletter or an idea about a themed newsletter, please let us know through this Google form.
Scroll down to meet the members of the LWI Lives Committee, search for specific articles, or see a feed of every article in order by issue.