The Teaching Bank is an online resource center. It includes writing problems and exercises, syllabi, grading rubrics, teaching ideas, and other materials. Access to the Teaching Bank is professional teachers of legal writing.
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Teaching Bank MembershipMay 2, 2017
The Legal Writing Institute and the Association of Legal Writing Directors are pleased to announce the winners of the 2017 LWI/ALWD/LexisNexis Scholarship Grants. We received many excellent proposals. In a blind review process, a joint committee of LWI and ALWD evaluated the proposals and made funding recommendations, which both Boards affirmed. This year, LWI and ALWD each contributed $7500. LexisNexis contributed $5000. Through their generosity, we are able to award four grants of $5000.
The grant winners and titles of the proposals are as follows:
Mark Cooney (Western Michigan, Cooley Law School), What Courts Cite
Lindsay Head (LSU), A Contract to Hire: Unilateral Grading Contracts in the Legal Writing Classroom
Nancy Millar (Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School), The Science of Successful Teaching
Amanda Smith (Widener University, Commonwealth Law School), “Say What?”: A How-To Guide on Providing Formative Assessment to Law Students Through Live Critique
We wish to thank the members of the Joint Scholarship Grants Committee who mentored the applicants and evaluated the proposals. The committee members are: Sue Chesler, David Cleveland, Lyn Entrikin, Elizabeth Frost, Jane Grise, Anne Mullins, Rebecca Scharf, and Emily Zimmerman.
We also wish to thank all the applicants, whose wonderful scholarship ideas made the committee’s work so interesting (and challenging in terms of making the difficult funding decisions). We encourage them to apply again next year, and we also encourage others to consider applying for a scholarship grant next year. Keep an eye out for the announcement next December.
Thanks especially to LWI, ALWD, and LexisNexis for their generous contributions in recognizing the important role scholarship plays in our developing discipline.
Best wishes,
Louis Sirico (LWI) and Greg Johnson (ALWD)
Co-Chairs of the Joint Scholarship Grants Committee
Joint Scholarship Grants: LWI, ALWD, and LexisNexis together offer annual grants to support legal writing scholars working on specific projects. Mentors are assigned at several steps along the way. Calls for applications are posted on the LRWPROF listserv.