The Teaching Bank is an online resource center. It includes writing problems and exercises, syllabi, grading rubrics, teaching ideas, and other materials. Access to the Teaching Bank is professional teachers of legal writing.
LWI has nearly 3,000 members. Members represent all ABA-accredited law schools in the United States as well as law schools in other countries. LWI members also come from undergraduate schools and universities, the practicing bar and the judiciary, and independent research-and-consulting organizations. Anyone who is interested in legal writing or the teaching of legal writing may join LWI.
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Teaching Bank MembershipLWI's We Write Retreats provide a fixed space and dedicated time for legal writing professors to devote themselves to focused and intensive scholarly writing, away from regular professional and personal commitments. They are designed to help participants develop their own habits of scholarly writing and promote an active community of scholars.
Participants spend a substantial amount of time during the retreat on independent writing. The retreat is not primarily an opportunity for workshopping; rather, it is a time for sustained attention to writing away from distractions. Thus, participants prepare so that they are at the writing stage at the time of the retreat.
LWI pays for lodging, but participants pay for their own transportation and food. DBWG is responsible for the administration of the program, and a member of DBWG serves as coordinator for the retreat.
Leading up to the retreat, all participants will be expected to review materials about preparing for the retreat and will also be asked to participate in at least one conference call with the DBWG coordinator approximately two weeks before the retreat to discuss logistics, goals and policies.
Selection for the participants is usually based on the order of registration. By signing up, the registrants acknowledge that they are committed to attend the retreat and that they will secure transportation within one week of signing up.
A more detailed set of guidelines from the December 2018 retreat is available here.
Look for more information here on the next We Write Retreat in 2019!