The Teaching Bank is an online resource center. It includes writing problems and exercises, syllabi, grading rubrics, teaching ideas, and other materials. Access to the Teaching Bank is professional teachers of legal writing.
LWI has nearly 3,000 members. Members represent all ABA-accredited law schools in the United States as well as law schools in other countries. LWI members also come from undergraduate schools and universities, the practicing bar and the judiciary, and independent research-and-consulting organizations. Anyone who is interested in legal writing or the teaching of legal writing may join LWI.
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Teaching Bank MembershipThe Sirico Scholars’ Workshop, named in honor of one of its biggest supporters and super-facilitator, the late Lou Sirico, is an opportunity for both new and experienced legal writing scholars to gather in small groups to provide critiques and support for each other’s works in process. Each participant is expected to have a work in process that, while not yet completed, is at a stage of development where other scholars can review their work and provide constructive feedback.
The format will include both small and large group sessions. Every participant will be assigned to a small group of three other scholars plus an experienced scholar/facilitator and is expected to review and provide critiques in a helpful group session for the other members of the group. There will also be several large-group meetings that will include discussion of navigating the publication process, how to find or make time to write, and other aspects of the scholarly development process.
The workshop will occur July 13-16, 2024, at the Stone Soup Inn, in Indianapolis, Indiana, before the LWI Conference. (The workshop will conclude in the morning of July 16). The registration fee for each participant is $425, which will include lodging and some meals. Each participant must cover their transportation cost.
If you have a current research project that would benefit from a supportive group review and critique, please consider participating in this workshop. Our past scholars have raved about how much better their articles were after participating in the program; let’s make your article the next success story!
To apply for a spot in this outstanding program, please fill out the application form HERE. The deadline to apply is March 15, 2024. We will notify participants in early April. While all scholars, established and emerging, are encouraged to apply, if we have more applications than spaces available, preference will be given to emerging scholars.
The Sirico Scholars' Workshop Governing Board:
Sarah Morath
Leslie Culver
Jane Cross
Kristin Gerdy Kyle
Elizabeth Berenguer
James Levy
Lisa Eichhorn
Brian Larson