The Teaching Bank is an online resource center. It includes writing problems and exercises, syllabi, grading rubrics, teaching ideas, and other materials. Access to the Teaching Bank is professional teachers of legal writing.
LWI has nearly 3,000 members. Members represent all ABA-accredited law schools in the United States as well as law schools in other countries. LWI members also come from undergraduate schools and universities, the practicing bar and the judiciary, and independent research-and-consulting organizations. Anyone who is interested in legal writing or the teaching of legal writing may join LWI.
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Teaching Bank MembershipThe 16th Global Legal Skills Conference will be held June 4-6, 2024, and will be hosted by the University of Bari Aldo Moro in Bari, Italy. Bari is in the Puglia region of southern Italy on the Adriatic Sea.
All presenters and attendees will be required to register, pay the conference registration fee, and cover their own costs related to attending the conference.
Registration information will be available in mid-March. There is no conference hotel, but a list of nearby hotels can be found here.
For additional information visit our website: