The Legal Writing Institute (LWI) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving legal communication. We believe that effective legal communication is critical to the wellbeing of society, the judicial system, and the legal profession.

Your support helps us advance this mission by funding initiatives that foster innovation in legal education, provide resources for educators and practitioners, and promote excellence in legal writing. Donations enable us to offer workshops, scholarships, and conferences that empower legal professionals and educators to develop the skills necessary for effective communication.

Together, we can continue to make a lasting impact on the legal community and beyond. Please consider making a donation today to help support LWI and our shared mission. Every contribution, no matter the size, makes a difference. You can donate by scanning the QR code or using the gift amount and payment buttons below.



**If you are donating through Venmo, once you scan the QR code and donate through Venmo, your transaction is complete, even though it doesn’t show up on this website page.**